Abdul Wahab Teffaha

Secretary General

Arab Air Carriers’ Organization

After completing postgraduate studies in socio-economic development and political sociology, Mr. Teffaha joined AACO in 1980 as an assistant tariff analyst and rose through the ranks until 1992, when he was appointed assistant secretary general.

In June 1996, he was elected Secretary General of the Association, a position he still holds to date.

AACO now is recognized as one of the leading associations both at the regional and global levels. It plays an important role in the policy making of the industry in a broad spectrum of strategic issues, such as climate change, digital transformation, aero political strategies and contributing to making the voice of the Arab Airlines heard regionally and globally. AACO, under Mr. Teffaha’s leadership, was transformed into an added value instrument to its members through its focus on the synergies that such an association can create between them.


2024 Summit Agenda

25 September 2024 | 13:00 | Accelerating sustainable aviation fuel production and adoption

  • Exploring challenges and opportunities in SAF adoption
  • Evaluating frameworks for expanding SAF development and meeting governmental mandates
  • Fast-tracking SAF technology deployment and innovation
  • Enabling international coorperations for SAF Adoption

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