What's New In 2022

Leadership Technology Briefings

The tech expert lead briefings look at the applicability of new technology in aerospace, educating decision making buyers and generating leads for your business. You will be able to highlight how your customers and partners can capitalise on technology opportunities, both as consumers of services, data, and applications and as technology and investment partners.

  • Direct tech demos that will showcase how investments in technology made now will reap business benefits tomorrow
  • Man vs machine - understand how AI and machine learning will enhance rather than replace your workforce
  • Time to implementation - how rapidly can your business be putting the technology to work for you?


Working Groups

Onsite group meetings dedicated to the future of aerospace tech, collaborative working groups will explore how the industry can accelerate the adoption of new tech, and how stakeholders must work together to make the UAE a pioneer market. 

  • Future Propulsion
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • 5G and IOT
  • Sustainable Aviation Fuels
  • Supply Chain Tech
  • Advanced Aerial Mobility


Bilateral Priority Markets

Focused on developing trade missions and driving market and partnership opportunities, the priority market sessions will focus on areas of key economic and investment focus for the UAE.

  • France
  • Israel
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Turkey
  • USA
  • UK